by Julie Snyder
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Yes, there tends to be a lot of work involved -- hopefully with many hands pitching in.
There's delicious food that you spend weeks planning, days preparing, and within mere minutes it all seems to be gobbled up!
What I love most are those moments when you're gathered together with family and friends and get a chance to reflect.
It seems that "counting blessings" gets lost during the day-to-day shuffle of striving to pay bills, juggling work, the kids, and your relationships -- not to mention everything that goes with parenthood and the home.
But Thanksgiving offers a day to refocus and truly see all that you and I do have to be thankful for! We've gathered reflections from our members and their families to share with you.
Michael, the father of a precocious one-year old responds, "Curiosity." We think that's an awesome way to look at parenting a toddler!
Shellie says, "My father-in-law making it through another accident without getting killed." Dealing with elder parents can be difficult. Indeed this feat is cause for gratefulness!
"I'm so incredibly thankful for a new pregnancy and can't wait to share the news!" Cara says. Hooray for new babies on the way!
Becky says, "This year has been horrible in so many ways for our family ? but I'm incredibly thankful for my support team that has been with me every step of the way. I couldn't imagine making it through without them!" We wish you a year ahead filled with positives that outshine any challenges that creep in!
Kier shares that it's her kids. "Even though they can drive me bonkers, they bring so much joy, laughter, and light to my life. My oldest amazes me every day with the things she's saying. My baby is such a little character, and has been super loving lately...just coming up, giving me or my belly kisses, and a hug. My son's teacher has nothing but praise for his behavior, and how well he's doing at the academics. All in all, I am one lucky mamma!"
Jackie says, "I'm thankful that my husband has a job even if it's completely stressing me out! It means pay that keeps a good roof over our heads and allows me to stay at home. I'm so thankful for my son. When we have our bad days I just have to remind myself of the three years it took us to conceive him and how many nights I cried and prayed for him. He is a miracle! And now to be expecting another so quickly? Truly blessed over here!" We can't wait to meet your new little one! Thank you for sharing your journeys with us here!
Lauren offers, "Right now this strawberry popsicle that actually tastes good. Hope it tastes as good coming back up because nothing has stayed down today." We're sorry you're dealing with morning sickness, but celebrating the reason behind it. Congrats!
Karen adds, "? an amazing little 4 year old that seems to amaze me all the time on how sweet he really is, I hope he stays that way forever!" Aw! Four is a great age! They tend to be "all in" when giving of themselves.
"Pop rocks, cheap hamburgers and milky ways. Wait why is my list all food?!" Ashley asks. Hmm, it could be that little bean on the way? or perhaps you were raised in a past life in a 70s drive in!
Stephanie shares, "Our sweet little one, moving out of the city, losing weight, staying home, and good health. What wonderful positives happening in your life! We're so happy for you and your family!
These lists should be never-ending. Maybe this year, one of our (collective) New Year resolutions should be to stop each day to remember all that we have to be thankful for!
One of my counted "blessings" this season ? all of you at! Happy Thanksgiving!
Feel free to chime in! What are you most thankful for today?
Photo courtesy of iStockphoto.
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