Monday, November 26, 2012

{Update} Hardwood Floor Installation! - The Inspired Room

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend everyone! Hope you are all enjoying shopping and decorating and lots of turkey sandwiches?! I am doing all of the above. When I last updated you on my hardwood floors, they had delivered the new wood (it had to acclimate to our home for a few days before install), and were ripping out carpet and old damaged wood to prepare for the new floors. ?That was an exciting step!

So last week the installers from Nielsen Brothers?spent several days here installing our new Hickory Flooring (the flooring is by Mohawk). ?It was one of those crazy weeks where our car broke down and we got a bill for $4,000 on a car worth $4,000 (meh), I had back-to-back meetings all week long, and had people working on my house several days in a row.?I felt a bit like I was running in circles trying to juggle it all without dropping the balls. But fortunately the installers were awesome and so capable, I was able to run in and out and not worry about what was going on with the floors. Every time I?d pop back in, they?d have more done and it was all coming together beautifully.

It was fun to see the progress and how much the floors are transforming the space!

Winston wanted to nap right in the middle of where they guys were working. He slept right through it, but clearly was in the way. HA! Notice that you can see several of the holes in the subfloor behind him, showing where our old counters used to be! It is so exciting to see these new floors going in and how they are making our kitchen feel like it was meant to be, with no more holes or damage to conceal or hide after the remodel!

You can also see my still unfinished kitchen and unpainted cabinets in the photo above. That?s right. Kitchen is STILL not painted. I?ve had the worst possible luck and experience with painters. THE WORST! I had one stand me up TWICE in the past two weeks without even calling and one several months ago that turned out to be a wee bit crazy. So, my cabinets still aren?t painted.

Thanks to everyone who has been asking about the kitchen and why I wasn?t showing the after post. It?s because there is no after YET. Things go so much slower than I ever dream sometimes. But having the wood floors done was the last major element of the kitchen besides the painting, so we are THAT much closer to being done now! I promise, there WILL be an ?AFTER? post.

I?m so so pleased with the new floors. The grain and finish is absolutely beautiful, even under all the dust of remodeling! I?m really thrilled that we had the opportunity to take out the stained and smelly carpeting in the adjoining family room to connect the spaces with the new wood.?The continuous wood flooring through the main level of our home really makes the house feel so much larger too! It is amazing what a difference the Hickory makes in how bright and warm it feels!

I cannot wait for all the final reveal posts because I seriously cannot believe this is my house, I?m really thrilled with how it is coming together! Nothing like a last minute home improvement project before the holidays (right? who does that?), but having new floors makes me all the more excited for Christmas decorating!

Do you do crazy things like remodel right before or during the holidays like me??


I?m partnering with the ?Mohawk?Floors Me, as Told by Bloggers? program and received hardwood flooring as a part of the project. As always, all opinions, experiences, home projects are my own.?

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