Sunday, December 16, 2012

Florida Man Auctions Off His Last Name For $45,000

Posted: December 15, 2012

jason feadsetsdotcom

Jacksonville, FL ? Jason Sadler has come up with a rather clever way to make some extra cash. The Florida man offered to legally change his last name for all of 2013 to the name of the company that offers him the most money. Sadler?s last name auction ended earlier this week. HeadsetsDotCom reportedly paid $45,500 as the last name auction winner.

Beginning on January 1, Jason Sadler will officially be known as Jason HeadsetsDotCom for an entire year. The last name auction is not the young entrepreneur?s first unique idea to help make ends meet. His first business, began in 2009. In his first unusual career approach Sadler wore a different client t-shirt every day and pushed the brand utilizing online social networking websites, Oddity Central notes.

During an interview with CNN Money Jason Sadler had this to say about his emerging business:

?I wore a different T-shirt for 800 days straight. No day off. I?d make online videos wearing the T-shirts, just going about my daily life.?

Sadler tweeted about the brands emblazoned on the t-shirts he wore, posted about them on Facebook and even created a one-hour live show on Ustream to talk about his clients. As shocking as it may sound, the t-shirt wearing entrepreneur was so successful by 2011 that he hired five employees and reportedly earned $250,000 a year in revenue. Sadler?s clients included Nissan, Starbucks, and Zappos.

The last name auction idea was prompted by Sadler?s desire for funds to back his business startup. He created an internet auction on and solicited brands to bid on the renaming him for a year. The name change will be entirely legal. Jason?s driver?s license, passport, social media profiles and all other forms of personal identification will feature the Jason HeadsetsDotCom moniker.

Jason had this to say about his newest money-making idea:

?Tons of people have told me I?m an idiot for trying to sell my last name. I think I?m willing to push the envelope further than most and willing to see it through. More companies could benefit from doing the same, instead of adding to the noise.?


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