Jokes & Jazz is at it again! Bringing you the best entertainment that Atlanta has to offer.
April is my Birthday month and what better way to celebrate than with Jokes & Jazz. Each month I am amazed at the wonderful artists that grace our stage and this will be no different.
For you other April babies we have a special offer. Bring at least two paying guests and you get in FREE! Yep I said it. FREE. So come let?s celebrate our Birthday together. Just show your ID at the door.
As always there will be 10% off of your food. See you there!
See Rita Graham from her movie project where she plays the wife of the legendary Blues performer B.B. King. Welcome Back Rita! Emile Worthy will also sooth our passions with his extraordinary vocals.
For your laughing pleasure is the return of Mz. Wallstreet. Always providing us with much laughter. A true professional.
There will also be a guest performance by TuKute. Can?t wait to see what she brings this month.
When:????????????????? Wednesday, April 17, 2013 7pm-11pm
Where:???????????????? Cafe 290 ? 290 Hilderbrand Drive ? Sandy Springs, GA
TIckets:?????????????? $10 General / $15 VIP
For additional information, visit http://www.cafe290atlanta.com/live/ or http://tukute.net/
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